Train It Right

Eating For Abs

Have you been struggling to lose weight, tighten your stomach or get abs? Have you been spending hours and hours in the gym isn’t the only solution. Did you know that Ab’s are made in the ...

10 Natural Anti-inflammatory Foods

Do you suffer from pain in your joints, arthritis, injuries or stiff joints? Inflammation in the joints can limit your mobility and be very painful.  When the pain is too severe, it can stop you from ...

Push Up Strength Testing

Ever wonder where you stand with your push ups? Whether you workout at a gym, at home or go to classes its important to see if you are progressing. Try testing your push up capability today and try ag...

New Year Fitness Resolutions

It’s a new year. That means that most of you have been making resolutions to be more active, eat better, drink less etc. It is great to set goals for yourself. However why haven’t you achi...

Five Best Health and Medical Trustworthy Sites

In the new year we should be thinking more and more about health and fitness. With over 150 million obese people in America it is something we should all be paying attention to. The five best health a...

Great Fitness Gifts For Christmas

Not everyone is interested in giving or recieving fitness gifts but if there is a fitness addict or exerciser in your life this post is for you. Below are some great ideas for gifts for the fitness en...

How To Fight Cold and Flu Season

Its Cold and flu season and no one wants to get sick. The following are some tips to keep your immune system fighting off the symptoms. – Remember to take your vitamins – Get 6-8hrs of sle...

What’s so great about wheat grass?

What’s so great about wheatgrass? Freshly squeezed wheatgrass comes from a young wheat plant. You can buy it in capsules, bottled, powered or get it fresh from a juicer. Wheatgrass contains high...

@trainitright ‘s Crazy Core Workout

Make sure to do post strength or post cardio and perform on alternating days to give your core some recovery. This is my fav core workout and I show you examples from my favourite fitness resources! 3...