Hunit Stackz posted an update 3 years, 3 months ago
What’s up Lifers… just checking in…hope all of you are healthy and doing well ..
I had a great couple of years in the pandemic n all..
I just crossed the 80,000 mark in single sales
120,000 tiktok videos
187 Million Views on Tiktok
11 Million Streams..
I’m proud of myself yall… i been through absolute hell these years i been MIA, and…[Read more]
Hunit Stackz posted an update 4 years, 8 months ago
@dmac @cynaamonjltl @bencarew @1angelltl @ienvyno12005 @destiny12 @ocean8 @margoltl @chocolatetiger @onyx254 @hunneyb77 @goldenfleece
@noahvee @swaggerkingfan @davidjdeal @cmack112 @ballajb1 @tongadude @hunitstackz410 @msdivadefiant@chacha89 @kraziideafgurl @allaboutbbi @therealksobs @aspect @chacha8…[Read more]
Hunit Stackz posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago
Hunit Stackz “Mega Million” Available Now on all platforms
@dmac @cynaamonjltl @bencarew @1angelltl @ienvyno12005 @destiny12 @ocean8 @margoltl @chocolatetiger @onyx254 @hunneyb77 @goldenfleece @noahvee @swaggerkingfan @davidjdeal @cmack112 @ballajb1 @tongadude @hunitstackz410 @msdivadefiant@chacha89 @kra…[Read more]
Hunit Stackz posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
Hey can anybody refer to an immaculate mix engineer? these dudes where im at giving me a whole migraine… i need my new project mixed n mastered and im not settling for sub-par mixing this go round
@dmac @cynaamonjltl @bencarew @1angelltl @ienvyno12005 @destiny12 @ocean8 @margoltl @chocolatetiger @onyx254 @hunneyb77 @goldenfleece @noahvee @swagge…[Read more]
Sorry buddy i am in atl now and you cant believe 80% of what these niggas say
FACTS …i already exposed two fakers on my job posting so far. its crazy how many ppl scamming in the engineering game
This the only honest guy i know in music. [email protected]
Hunit Stackz posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago
@dmac @cynaamonjltl @bencarew @1angelltl @ienvyno12005 @destiny12 @ocean8 @margoltl @chocolatetiger @onyx254 @hunneyb77 @goldenfleece @noahvee @swaggerkingfan @davidjdeal @cmack112 @ballajb1 @tongadude @msdivadefiant @chacha89 @kraziideafgurl @allaboutbbi @therealksobs @aspect @chacha89 @therealksobs @jwi…[Read more]
Hunit Stackz posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Hunit Stackz – あかつき [Exhibit C Freestyle]
@HunitStackz – あかつき [Exhibit C Freestyle]
Listen to “Akatsuki” [Exhibit C Freestyle] by Hunit Stackz
@dmac @cynaamonjltl @bencarew @1angelltl @ienvyno12005 @destiny12 @ocean8 @margoltl @chocolatetiger @onyx254 @hunneyb77 @goldenfleece @dmac @cynaamonjltl @bencarew @1angelltl @ienvyno12005 @destiny12 @ocean8 @margoltl @chocolatetiger @onyx254 @hunneyb77 @goldenfleece @noahvee @swaggerkingfan @davidjdeal @cmack112 @ballajb1 @tongadude @hunitstackz410 @msdivadefiant@chacha89 @kraziideafgurl @allabo…[Read more]
So sad but so necessary! Thank you for the visual…really brings the lyrics home. 🙁
Yes Sir! I love it. The visuals evoked several emotions. I felt chills while watching. Man ,D this is so poignant and what music encompasses. #salute #oneent #Mrs.#1
im all late seeing this….you gotta add me to ya emailing list or something g14 dont send enough alerts
Bro thats 🔥 congrats on your success