Randy Clarke


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Randy Clarke


Alexandria, VA


Brooklyn, NY






W.R. “Randy” Clarke, CEO always had an entrepreneur spirit and his passion lead him and founded independent record label Just Us Records. A native of Brooklyn, NY and now a resident of Alexandria, VA right outside of our nation’s capital of Washington, DC.

Over the years with hard work and dedication, Mr. Clarke built and positioned Just Us Records for longevity. His focus is on the overall talent of the artist and their full marketing potential and brand. Mr. Clarke has worked with and developed a number of artists over the years, starting with a young hip hop group called “DaFam” straight out of high school and his community Alexandria, VA. They received some recognition however it taught him that staying determined, creative, and passionate that success in the music industry can possibly be obtained. As a complete visionary he wants to help make his contribution to the industry that is now evolving, by creating freshness and quality in the music areas of Hip-Hop/Rap, R&B, Pop, Alternative, Rock and Reggae.

Favorite Quotations

“Success is a Journey not a Destination”