Jermaine Willls


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Jermaine Willls




Washington DC






Maine Wills is one of DC’s most influential independent Record Label owner’s/music producers. Maine Wills is the founder of 5050 Music Group. Another one of DC’s hottest music labels. After partnering 5050 Music Group with some of his closest friends and business associates. Maine Wills decided to turn over his full interest in 5050 Music Group to launch a whole new label. Maine Wills new label 723 Music Group is still in the development stages at this time. But will be ready for launch off with some fresh and sensational new artist. That’s going to take the music industry scene by storm in 2017. Outside of running his label’s day to day business. Maine Wills enjoys the artist management/development side of the business as well. Maine Wills is out to break down the barriers and the negative stigma perceptions of record executives in the music industry. That DC don’t have what it takes to become a major player and game changer in the music business. Like these cities who continue to dominate the industry, New York, Atlanta, Miami, LA and the entire south region. Maine Wills is determine to turn the tables for DC with the launch of his new artists and 723 MG.

Favorite Quotations

It’s never to late to make your dreams come true.