Mobile Phone | 773-787-7531 |
Other Phone | 773-426-5483 |
Leahluvsu13 |
Name | Naleah Moore |
Location | Chicago Heights, Il |
Hometown | Chicago Heights, Il |
Sex | |
Birthday | 2000-02-25 |
Bio | I was born in Riverside,California and moved to Illinois when I was 2. When I first discovered i could sing was I was about 7. I heard my sister singing a song and i wanted to see if i sound like or maybe better than her, so I sang and I then realized what my life purpose is. I also rap, write poetry, act, and can somewhat dance. Im determined to get where I want to be in life. I honestly dont have a “Plan B”. |
Favorite Quotations | “Everyday there is a new quote” |