cLouD KicK3r


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cLouD KicK3r


Orlando, FL


Augusta, GA






The MuzikJunke’s are… A team of talented addicts using the outlets of vocals, imagination and their creative minds to accomplish goals of doing things the right way through muZik!
It would be inappropriate to spell Muzik and Junke the say Webster says it is to be spelled because this is NOT your run of the mill gang of musicians, this is a dynamic team of talent who’s creativity is done their way!
While they all originate from different states along the East Coast such as Philadelphia, South Carolina and Georgia, the way they came together to form this group was epic! It’s kind of the way a song is written, first you find a track then someone writes the, chorus, next comes a verse, leading to a bridge, leading to a hook and the outcome is a KILLA’ record!

Favorite Quotations

“Life is filled with an abundance of different colors of success.Painting the perfect picture expressing thoughts though visual conception arousing emotional feelings of your heart. Time to reach the canvas and begin the portrait of LIFE.”