Name | Kash Daily Baby |
Location | Houston,Tx |
Hometown | TEXASmthaFCkaThatsWErEiSTAY |
Sex | |
Birthday | 1990-05-04 |
Bio | New independent artist out of Houston,Tx. You can follow me on Instagram @gmg_kashd and @moneygangmuzik (FaceBook) @KashDaily. You can Check out my Youtube page as well @MoneyGangTv or you can type in MoneyGang with Kash Daily right behind it. Im apart of an independent group with my childhood friend called MoneyGangMuzik our !st single is on my YouTube page (Feelings) Directed by Houston’s top Videographer/Director #MickieFilms @mickiefilms on social media!!! Our single (Feelings) is produced by (TSF) Jrag2x also featuring Jrag2x and (DSD1) Stunna Bam !!! #SupportThaReal #itzDailyBaby #MGM #TeamKDB #TMBGMG #KompoundStudios # MoneyGangMuzik #KashDailyBaby #iWantNow #LikeFckNxt |
Favorite Quotations | #itzDailyBaby #SlowFeetDontEat |
High School | Alief Hastings High School, Houston, Texas, 2008 |
Employer | Self Employed (Co-Owner) of The Kompound Studios Located in the Hiram Clarke(Area Of Houston,Tx) off S.Post Oak and Orem. All of our equipment is top of the line from the Avalon to the microphone and we run the newest version of protools and we have all the plug-ins!!! We Have Engineers as well as Producers and Artist/Songwriters on Staff!!!! |
Activities | Working,Raising My Kids, & More Work |
Interests | Music,Money,Learning,Shopping,Family,LivingLife,Networking |
Music | Kash Daily Baby, KDB, itzDailyBaby, MoneyGangMuzik, Dee Moneii |
Movies | Django |
Television | First 48, The Rap Game |
Web Sites |
IM Screen Name(s) | |
City/Town | Houston,Tx |
Zip | 77045 |
Country | United States |
Neighborhood | PineyPoint Tx |
Web Site | |