GOT A REVERB ACCOUNT??? Check out –>>> FOR 12 MONTHS IN A ROW David Tshibambe #1 on the ReverbNation RnB/Soul charts for Cincinnati, OH . Check out Artist David Tshibambe latest Single ’P31’ Now Available on iTunes out of Proverbs 31, Listen to a sample and Get your copy today
- "This website helped my career a ton back in the day. I don’t know if it’s still as active as it once was, but it felt right to come back & post my latest cover on here again.
All A Cappella Michael Jackson cover – […]"View
- "I talk to both of my sons about life and my circumstances frequently. I use my own story to motivate them to be more and to go for their dreams while the are young with no responsibilities. I also try to throw in […]"View