Robert Peterson


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I thought I was going to give up on art, but I can’t. View



Robert Peterson




United States






Four years ago while attending Parsons the New School in NYC my whole world came crumbling down. With my wife and three beautiful children I packed up all of my belongings that were left after selling what I could to move into the attic of a family members house. Homeless, without hope I had lost everything and now six months after living in this attic I packed my wife and kids up as this life style was taking a tole on our kids, everything I once cherished was gone, my wife and kids relocated to Oklahoma. This was June 2009, fast forward to September 23, 2009. Down and depressed I had to face the facts and salvage my marriage and relationship with my kids, Oklahoma here I come. So here we are Sept 24, 2009 pulling into Oklahoma no job, no house and negative $455 my life, our life starts over. I remember standing in lines waiting to be interviewed for food stamps and health care, I remember feeling like scum because the ladies behind the counter treated me like it. I looked at my wife and promised her that I was going to get on at a local factory making tires and less then 90 days I landed the job. All of this happened within a few months of being back from NYC. Feb of this year while running on a treadmill before work I heard a loud pop in my hip, 6 months later at the age of 31 here I am with a replaced hip. What I didn’t say, that same time I injured myself, Fabolous posted my first fashion sketch on his instagram followed by a long list of celebs, music artist and fashion designers. three months agoI taught myself how to pains and today Im blessed to say I have work in LA, NYC, Miami, Austrailia, Canada, OK, TX and soon Dubai. Everything that was set up for my failure my God has been faithful to turn it around for my good. Feel free to check out more of my work at

Favorite Quotations

Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.