JD Says “People Treat Music Like Trash”


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  1. I think you right bra. you’ve got some that are very good at being creative and others are good put things into words. Its about to the point now where damn near anyone that has a lil buzz can speak and make it sound good. what the public don’t understand , is that real music comes from the heart no matter if they are creative or just venting. The fans don’t care about the meaning or the artistic ability anymore, that goes into maken any given project that someone poured their soul into. so anyone that’s in this business just for the money, might better weight out your options, bcause you gotta love somthen before you can put your heart in it. we gotta keep music alive!

  2. its an art form thats getting shaded by thrown together .. chant music.. something they and get high / drunk to.. Ya speak about meaning in music .. too many not even level headed to understand it anyway.. This generation is sinking ..

  3. DONT BLAME MUSIC……BLAME the people who ARE HIRRING THESE ARTISTS AND PUSHING THEM to make empty music. THEY WANT HITS ear candy ….IF YOU RBRING IT like Adele…then youll sell 30 million records like 21……..

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