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  1. With every thing said , what is the purpose of your site: Global 14

  2. TOTALLY CONFUSING! I mean as we advance into new technologies and distribution methods, the internet is probably the only way one can be “discovered” and build the buzz minus the cost. Afterall, eeeerrbody doesn’t TRAP and “Money is A Thing” to some. What is the likelihood of a kid from rural GA running into a JD or Dallas, Bang or any hot producer or Exec? Slim to none. But what’s the likelihood of a kid in rural GA with rhyming skills, a COMPUTER and the drive to GET NOTICED being able to post videos on Youtube, join G14, Post videos and music in Pump-it-or-Dump it? BETTER ODDS! And what’s the purpose of GJAMZ and other Rooms in the site? If U make videos ENCOURAGING aspiring artist to post videos in HOPES of people like yourself, B. Cox and OTHER EXECS at LEAST listening or viewing it for that #SHOT, what are they to do? While I understand joining your site is the surfer’s option, I feel as if you just told me to kiss yo ass and stop posting ish on yo site cause we’re wasting our time. And I’m not the artist! I promote my son!! Holla Back JD, as you have me puzzled! And in yo #SPARETIME check for my son, Derek. 14 yr old producer/writer.Other videos as well! #OVAZEALOUSDAD

  3. Someone should make a website just for music lovers to come to and listen to music.
    Not hating but Waka mom was already apart. of the music industry.

  4. JD is defo speaking truth, i think that we almost forget about the whole discovery part of music even ourselves as just consumers, im sure we have all said at one point or another when a friend comes to about an artist you know about already “you’re late i’ve heard/known about this artist from way back…..”
    We that are aspiring artists/producers/songwriters/rappers/singers need to be more creative with the way we used the internet to create a buzz, rather than posting and “spamming” to be heard by JD or execs there are other ways for people to hear music i.e film music

  5. I agree totally with JD, artists don’t want to put in the work, if they send you something and you say it’s cool but you as an artist need more developement that’s an instant turnoff. Not everyone but a great deal of artists that approach me are looking for instant success, fame, and not wanting to take the time to become a true artist which is sad because you may get that hit but then what. Whereas, had you taken the time to go through the development steps, I want you to go through even as a rapper breathing techniques, build your stamina, performance tests, my ad-quick tests, I want you to learn how to be a performer, I want you to take the time and study the art form, know the history of this thing you’re trying to do. I want you to do open mics and see how the crowd receives you. I want the material for your mixtape to be as good as an EP or an album. I want your EPK to be something I’m willing to put the One Entertainment brand on. I want you to be multi-tiered so you can make money but a great deal of artists just what instant and trust me that’s not what you’re going to get from me.

  6. preciate the words of wisdom big dawg. it definitely makes sense. gotta leave room for discovery

  7. Whatever you do to build your Buzz don’t Copy LIL B I can’t take another nigga like tht. The fuckery must stop.

  8. Every up and coming artist has spammed at one point, it’s almost hard not too. The internet has opened up a lot of advantage for artist. Online spamming is the fast and most efficient to get seen, not heard. If the internet is the only way you’re marketing yourself then you’re just not hungry and you don’t want it. If you’re not willing to invest in yourself and get cds made, t-shirt, ect …, why should anyone else. For my very first mixtape most the people that downloaded it were from shows or from other event where we handed out my first single. To help build a fan base you have to create a positive interaction with people when you present them your music, and that something spammed just can’t provide. Now as I work on my EP I’ve got my boy working on a marking plan of how we wanna reach people effectively … none of which are spamming. Spamming gives you a bad rep on the internet which about 2 billion people use.

  9. #Respect. OK, JD you say do something to make the executives discover you but (to me) everything has become a gimmick now-a-days. I love music…all types of music but when I hear the radio I’m like WTF…

  10. @ JD I can’t understand why people don’t get it… It’s about originality and that alone make is stand out and profitiable as long as it’s hot….. @ Dshenay21 It depends on what station you’re listening to and some stations only play what’s new, cause they trying to get paid based on keeping it fresh for the younger crowd…….

  11. Great post JD, Why do these folks think they are owed greatness without doing the work?
    Fuck the drama, Gimme a Beat!

  12. Boston Legal, One Tree Hill, Hawthorne, CSI Miami & The Game featured my music, No Spam, Just Truth… Coe!

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