DOPENESS: Jack Daniels presents new whiskey: Tennessee Honey

Yall know that the Texas Ranger is going to be on this like white on rice yo!!!!!

Jack Daniel’s is about to roll out its first new expression in a generation: Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey.

The new libation starts with Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 and mingles it with a special honey liqueur. The result is a smoother, sweeter version of Jack that is just 70-proof. It is a clear and understandable attempt to pull more women into drinking Jack. There is even a cute honeybee on the label. Older drinkers might take a shine to it, as well. I can see my late Aunt Letitia or even my North Carolina Gram sipping Jack’s Honey.

The addition of liqueur does give the finish a vaguely medicinal, cough-syrup taste in the background of other flavors like butterscotch, pear and honey.

Bartenders are just getting samples to play with, but I can see Old Fashions being made with Jack Honey, as well as Mint Juleps that are made with Old No. 7 instead of Kentucky Bourbon. The Derby is right around the corner, too.

Price: About $22.00 for a 750 ml bottle.

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  1. wow

  2. 70 proof I need me some of that when Lent is over!

  3. A new drink for my hot toddy!!!

  4. haha you know B.C. had to pull this one out.. haaahhh fire!

  5. Nice Imma take a lil swig at it myself right after Lent.

  6. “Gram sipping Jack’s Honey” ……sorry but i had to pause

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