Shape-Shifting Uno III Defies Scooter Stereotypes


Shape-Shifting Uno III Defies Scooter Stereotypes

Segways and scooters definitely look fun to ride, but the vehicles — despite all manner of possible modifications — invariably carry a heavy nerd stigma. Benjamin Gulak and his BPG Motors company may challenge that stereotype, however, with the sleek and impressive Uno III. The adaptable vehicle actually morphs from an upright “Segway-like” mode into a horizontal, street-cycle position. Even better: it can apparently execute the conversion while in motion.

Inspired by the overcrowded and polluted streets of China, Gulak actually embarked on the Uno project as a high school student. Now, his collapsible baby can effectively fit in an elevator, and — according to CNET — will eventually boast a top speed of “about 35 miles per hour and have a range of about 30 miles.” BPG intends to release the scooter-bike on a limited basis “in about a year,” so, if you want to look really awesome in a ‘Fast and Furious’ nerd sort of way, you’ll still have to wait a little while.

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Have your say!
  1. Why did I look at this an automatically think “Transformers…it goes to show that what we consider “futuristic” is closer than we think!!

  2. wow

  3. I like this!

  4. I wanna ride that this summer, and fly away!!!

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