Cartier-Bresson Photos On Display At LA Art Show


Cartier-Bresson began his career in photography in 1931 and is one of the early greats of photojournalism. Trained as an artist, Cartier-Bresson helped to develop the style of the street photographer. He worked for a variety of journals including Life Magazine capturing iconic images of key events including the coronation of King George VI and the rose of Mao and the People’s Republic of China. One of the fascinating things about Cartier-Bresson is that by 1975 he decided he was done with photography and spent the remainder of his life (he died in 2004) focused on painting and drawing.

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  1. I LIKE IT!!!;-) ((too CUTE!!!))

  2. Wow….. That’s Style!

  3. I love that pic!!! Two young men looking might handsome. Too bad today’s young folk would rather have their pants around their ankles than to look sharp like that!!! Imma need to find out if this guy has a book of his work.

  4. Too flyy!!! I’m about to read up on him! Wish I could go to the art show.

  5. Wow a photo can speak volume…this reminds me of my uncle photos from the 50’s . This was yesterday photo shoot. wonderful!

  6. what up jd im have to research this person! much respect the legacy he life! there go the orginal lyfers from bac in the day! U cant touch that old skool swag!

  7. LOVE

  8. What @t! what name did you typed? He died † August 3, 2004 (aged 95)
    Montjustin, France.

    But hell yeah he was a legendary Photographer. I respect his work. His work is Incredible, cute, lot of STYLE He also Shoot the picture from ” the dispensation in PARIS*”

    TOTALLY agreed with this Sentences ” One of the fascinating things about Cartier-Bresson is that by 1975 he decided he was done with photography and spent the remainder of his life focused on painting and drawing. Because less of the photographers do this”

    *sorry for misunderstandings. i cant translate it other !


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