zoe ck envy06 Zoe Seldana For Calvin Klein Envy

WWD gives us a preview of actress Zoe Seldana’s big advertising debut  as she stars in the Calvin Klein underwear campaing for their new “Envy line of five bras which includes a lace demi Bra, a tailored demi bra, a natural lift plunge bra, an air push up bra and Saldana’s favorite, a triangle bra —  being shipped to stores this week. “

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  1. but, if you want to go off the video, she still kinda have white girl features… but still a change…

    Dondria Marketing Ideas:
    1. Do a contest where people take pics of their receipt showing they purchased the cd and send them in and a winner will win a prize
    2.For the Twitter war break the teams up. People with twitter names starting with A-M are #teamdondria and N-Z are #teamphatfffat. Officially announce this on next ustream.
    3. Tell everyone to vote and also tweet for people to vote for @dondria video on 106 & Park
    4. Tell people to do a twitpic of a pic of dondria on some site that they find once a day
    5. Tell people to tell all their friends on facebook to add http://www.facebook.com/dondria.fields
    6. Try to get all of her youtube friends to sign up for a twitter and if they have one already to follow her and tweet #dondriavsphatfffat.
    7. Tell twitter followers to tweet “http://eventful.com/performers/trey-songz-/P0-001-000010533-1/events” which is a link to the tour dates
    8. Tell people to make sure they Tweet her album release date and always mention @dondria #dondriavsphatfffat
    9. Tell people to share her mixtape so people can get a chance to hear her if they havent already.
    10. Make sure that everyone in the SOSODEF camp that has a twitter says something good about dondria daily so their followers will check her out.
    11. Add some more things in the Dondria section on the global14 site that will draw a little more attention from fans like pictures.
    12. Continue to have her hitting up radio stations while she is on tour
    13. Have Dondria create a ustream channel
    14. Make sure Dondria continues to hit up twitter with her tweets
    15.Have fans do a email petition and see how many people sign. this will show the awareness of the album
    16. Have people send in videos of them singing her song and the best person wins a prize
    17. Have dondria on a couple of more LTL episodes
    18. Have a contest for the person who can make the best flyer advertising her album
    19. Do some Dondria talk to me on the jd1472 youtube channel
    20. Do a LTL of Dondria following her around for a day
    21. Have Dondria speak at local boys and girls clubs and teen shelters
    22. Create a Yahoo group that sends out emails to fans daily and also features pics and videos
    23. Drop another Dondria mixtape a lil bit after her album drops
    24. Do a speak to me youtube where Dondria answers questions that fans have been asking

    I have many more ideas so JD make sure you remember @ballajb.
    I have a Business Marketing degree from San Jose State University so I am interested in Marketing for SOSODEF and that only not singing and producing.

    So please everyone follow me @ballajb on Twitter and tell @LTLline to hire me.


  2. Who ever is Zoe’s agent is doing a damn good job @ keeping her checks coming in….

  3. And I was just saying how Renee reminds me of Zoe a little. I’m glad that they have Zoe as their new face for Calvin Klein’s lingerie line. She’s gorgeous as well and I’m so glad that she’s finally getting the recognition she deserves.

  4. But like they said in the documentary she haves the white features dipped in Chocolate. But I love that she got that deal. Her and her agent is doing a good job of keeping her face out there.

  5. Zoe fine than a muthaaaaaaaa

  6. DOPE! she is stunning.

  7. @I’m Me – I was thinking the EXACT same thing – but on the other hand I am happy for her…she is beautiful and she deserves it – and so do many other of our black beauties 🙂

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