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  1. hey mike k., i’m trying to reach jd and donnel jones. can you pass this on to them? it’s about their latest video, i believe it’s their latest vidoe. tell them i remeber them from eastern high. in dc. also i have some questions and need some answers from them. concerning the relevance of the song and it’s relation to me resolving some legal issues stemming from the industry stealing my image/id most of my life without mt permission nor consent. are they a conduit to resolve this honestly, openly; no malicious, slanderous, unethical motives or are they not. ask them to keep it real and start triggering those memories.

  2. HOTTT BEAT!!!!!

  3. Mike…something is missing from your beats man…

    I don’t get the same feeling watching you make beats as opposed to other producers…maybe if someone sang/rapped on them we’d be able to really see the effect…

    …what I’m getting at is that… they’re not that hot… they’re kinda amateurish. They sound…unoriginal.

    But…all the best to you…

  4. @ LTL Fan Homie, u a mad hater fam. Google this nigga and you’ll have the answer to your question.

    Mike keep doing your thing man. You mad versatile and niggas gotta realize that you just not in one arena. You define music homie. Im a fan homie

  5. I have to agree with LTL Fan on this one. Mike’s videos are dope, but the music… ain’t that great. It’s like a bad soundtrack to a great story. Like that We Are The World YouTube edition… the beat lacks fantasy. I’m not a producer, a musician, whatsoever, I’m just a music fan, and this is how I see things. And after all, the music industry is about what the fans think. If they don’t like it, they won’t buy it.

    I ain’t a hater or anything. I actually appreciate Mike’s efforts, but I think he lacks creativity and I would dare to say he is a little bit overrated….

  6. I disagree with all of you guys. The reason people are confused with his music cause it is the movie.
    If you listen closely to this guys music, Its very unique and people like him tend to make it in the industry and last longer cause his music has this magical touch to it.

  7. Its not unique at all though.

    At all.

    I salute the dude for this opportunity but any kid with decent piano skills can craft that simple beat he just made. That wasn’t unique in ANY form. It had no style to it and was as dry as the sounds that come with the machine. Lets not fool ourselves here. The difference between a musician and a fan is the ability to create. The ability to listen and evaluate is the SAME. We both know what sounds good and what doesn’t. Just because he can create doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I like. That right there? I don’t like.

  8. LTL has a point right there. Mike’s beats are not always simple, but most of the time they are common. I believe that’s because he got used to remake beats for those guys who make covers on YouTube. Doing that, he lost his originality and failed to create his own style. Is he a beat maker ? Yes. But is he a creative producer/musician ? Not really…

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