Victor Filipchenko’s Lamborghini Cnossus Concept


The Lamborghini Cnossus Concept is the creation of Victor Filipchenko (Filip), which paid half his tuition for school on a one-year Masters Course in automotive design. Filip’s thesis had a simple theme of ‘Race car’ and was built in collaboration with talented Portuguese designer Simoyshem Nelson and developed under the patronage of the Italian company. Full Post over at

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  1. I can transform ya!! That boy siick!!

  2. omg that shit wow. i think i just had the nut of the month lol.

  3. LMAO ^^^ Thats sick I want to test drive whenever that come out

  4. OMG THIS IS SICK !!!!… The design is so sleek it looks like it flys. It reminds me of bumble bee from the transformers. I could definitely see MrsFashionDiva coming out of this car.

  5. That car looks like the Batmobile in Batman Begans or something like that… remember when he was in the basement of his company with Morgan Freeman and he showed he the car. That’s what this bad boy looks like.

  6. That car looks like the Batmobile in Batman Begans or something like that… remember when he was in the basement of his company with Morgan Freeman and he showed the the car. That’s what this bad boy looks like.

  7. showed “him” the car… damnit

  8. where would you drive that, and then where would you park??????It’s crazy though!

  9. Futuristic fosugadell!!!

  10. That was my first thought too, transformers…more than meets the eye….

  11. Sick design!….wow, here’s video I found of the actual car:


  12. LMAO!! i was looking at this shit & i’m scrolling ..i thought the next pics would be this shit transforming & standing up!!! LMAO!!!
    thats hot!!!

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