Casino Mogul Steve Wynn Is The New Owner Of Pricey Rembrandt

33.5 MILLION DAMN!!!!!!!!!! STEVE  via (LUXIST)


It has been revealed that casino mogul Steve Wynn is the proud new owner of the Rembrandt paintingthat sold for a record $33.2 million last week at Christie’s in London. The 1658 “Portrait of a Man, Half-Length, With His Arms Akimbo,” was sold over the telephone. Wynn has not officially revealed that he was the buyer but the NY Times reported that he called several art dealers and scholars to ask their opinions of the piece before the sale.

Wynn is famous for his art collection which includes excellent pieces by Rubens, Vermeer and Cezanne as well as the Picasso masterpiece, Le Reve. Wynn, who suffers from the eye disease retinitis pigmentosa, famously put his elbow through the picture in 2006.

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  1. wow!!!

    but they guy OWNS a casino….. 33.5mill is like pocket change for him i guess lol

  2. Looks like he wasted 33.5 million to me…

  3. LOL @g rush!!!

  4. I agree with @g rush that was money wasted maybe 20,000 for that or less not 33.5 million

  5. thats just a night at the casino he got it

  6. start the night off at the WYNN

    …i’m all elbows too

  7. Made in the Netherlands 😉

    In the Golden Age

  8. that is something i would love to own one day… a one of kind piece of art…

  9. lol. i had this rant the other day i posted on facebook about paying the cost to be the boss, even if it means throwing logic and rational out the window. i live in vegas. motherfuckers cant get jobs in vegas like that, and he just threw away 100 employees 10+ year salary on some fruity looking dude in a picture. for what? to say you have it? i could understand if it gave him super powers or something. there is a point where you be like, oh shit, thats good shit, maybe one day, and sometimes you be like, thats straight fucking corny. no big though. as a human here on planet earth, i have my flaws, but sometimes i gotta shake my head and wonder about the stupid shit people do with their fame, power, money, ect… people spending millions of dollars on nonsense is hilarious to me. 500 grand on vacations and parties, fleets of cars worth millions of dollars. its all stupid ass shit.

    fame seems to breed stupidity in a lot of cases, which is completely ironic. but i guess the beauty of being rich is, no matter what happens, you can use your money to protect you, so why the fuck not do whatever it is you wanna do. but im just like, where did you guys come from, where were you raised at? this is big for you, spending millions of dollars on bullshit, and not just this dude, but many others. some actors with one movie could literally retire. lol! maybe im just caught in the hype, but if you makin like 15-20 million a movie, even if you gotta give away ten million to taxes and other people off of a 20 million dollar deal, you still got ten million. that may be a bit ignorant considering i dont know how those pay days work. maybe they only getting 2 mil off a 20 million dollar deal, but i feel i highly doubt that. i dont know. i aint hatin, but this shit isnt aspiring, its fucking corny, and sometimes all the more reason i wish ill on people like this. hence why gossip magazines thrive. people dont actually like stars, they see them whining about bullshit, while still sitting on millions of dollars in the bank, while people are trying to team up just to pay the bills, and save up for a better future. people out there wishing they could just find 5 to 10 grand to help change their lives, but this dude is like,hey, a fruit cake in a pic that someone painted, oh, thats 33 million easy. i dont give a fuck if it was 5 million. its still corny. im not shocked. so many clowns in this world im surprised we havent been hit by a meteor again to start over.

    this isnt blog worthy, its fucking stupid. at least if it was a space ship or a yacht i could calm my rage a bit, and be like, damn, thats pretty ballin to buy a fucking flying saucer, or something stupid, but a fucking painting. CMON SON. FUCKOUTTAHEREWITTHATBULLSHIT

  10. damn 33. something sheesh

  11. Hey Steve throw some of the Gs my direction!

  12. Fruit Cakes are the specialty of my grandmother, she bakes lots of fruit cakes.;-;

  13. i love those german fruit cakes because they have more nuts in it “”

  14. fruit cakes with lots of raisins is the thing that i often much, they are great and yummy,-‘

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