Tyler Perry Studios current location up for sale

n an email to Atlanta industry leaders, Tyler Perry Studios president Ozzie Areuannounced filmmaker Perry is looking to sell his current studio on Continental Colony Parkway.

The move is a big sign that Perry is close to closing on a large portion of Fort McPherson, which he plans to turn into a large new movie studio.

On Apr. 20, Atlanta City Council approved a deal that would allow Mayor Kasim Reed to extend a $13 million line of credit required by the U.S. Army to clean up 22 acres of contaminated brownfields on the site, which will be necessary in order to turn 330 acres of Fort McPherson’s 488 acres into sound stages.

“This deal is getting ready to fall apart because of the time it’s taken to get done,” Reed told the city council April 20. “We are at a moment when we need to close.”

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