Lenny Kravitz(@LennyKravitz) on the cover of Uptown

For the August/September issue style issue of UPTOWN Magazine, Lenny Kravitz sat for a candid interview with the magazine and donned some kick-butt fashions as well.

He opened up to the mag about his childhood saying, that he was often teased in school and called “zebra” because of his Jewish father and Black mother.

“I was the kid they knew was different. They knew who my parents were
and would call them Mr. Day and Mrs. Night, or they’d call me zebra.”

He added that when the family moved to L.A. for his mother (Roxie Roker) to do “The Jeffersons”, he was enrolled in high school but rarely attended. His friend and musician Jill Jones said,

“Lenny would move easily through all the groups. There were black kids who hung together in the cafeteria, the geeks, the Asians, surfers, the rocker kids. He
hung with all of them.”

He also revealed he had a close relationship to Teena Marie.

“She would cook a lot. It was her and
Penny Johnson, Rick James’ little sister. They looked after me, fed me. She took
me to concerts. She took care of a lot of folks. The big reason why I am here 
[is] because of this sister. She was for real. She was self contained,
a multi-instrumentalist, a writer, producer

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  1. This Nigga Lenny is SWAGGED THE FUCK OUT

  2. Lenny, the international player and global arteest(artist). The brother is an amazing combination of cultures clashing. I’d love to chill and chop it up with him. Hook it up JD!

  3. @ Ben Yes he is, lol……..

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