It is imperative that we associate ourselves with only positive, focused people who we can learn from and who will not drain our valuable energy with uninspiring attitudes. You do not need anyone to reach your destination but if you are going to let some folks in, they must be able to add to your journey not takeaway from it… As the saying goes… “Make sure everybody in “your” boat is rowing & not poking holes while your not looking. KNOW your “circle”! Say No Twice (Nay Nay) to all the bad relationships that are way overdue! Say Nay to the people who try to force themselves into your life! Say Nay to those who act like they are helping but are doing nothing but bringing you down! Say I to the mutually beneficial relationships that will bring you higher! Always remember only a knife can sharpen a knife! Stay on your level and build yourself higher! Now is your time! Take what you deserve!
-Ash’Cash (@IamAshCash)


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