“In the darkest of times when it seems theres no way out there is always a way. You just have to follow your heart and not your eyes!”

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  1. I’ve lived that quote, in face I’m LIVING that quote. There’s a sermon and a testimony in that quote but I ain’t a preacher, but God knows I can testify. But following your heart can be just as damn scary. Anybody working in this game of show knows it. Most of us followed our heart into showbiz and there have been some pitch black days. Those are the days that don’t make it to the blog nor the interview but depending on who you are do make front page headlines and magazine covers. But if you’re strong enough you still follow your heart regardless of the cost! Sometimes it pays off, sometimes the payoff is the lesson learned.

  2. Only winners can believe in this…

  3. This is deep and hard to do but you must to…

  4. My HEART has always thought far beyond my eyes & even deeper, it often supersedes my brain. Splendid quote, thanks.

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