“Every day you spend drifting away from your goals is a waste not only of that day, but also of the additional day it takes to regain lost ground”
-Ralph Marston
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  1. JD, how in the heck can I get in contact with you? Someone whose always in the A and lookin for new talent “from” Atlanta? I know you git this alot, but its just your quote, man…You can stay as focused as much as you wanna, but if the right people aint turning an open ear to what your doing, a person starts to feel like they doing it in vein. You get janky managers and people who swear they know this person and that person…come to find out they dont know shit. Its hard man; WTF do I do?

  2. Ok, there’s some truth in that……. Yet, sometimes it appears that one has drifted, but the goals still remain, as well the drive to achieve them…………

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