“The envious man thinks that if his neighbor breaks a leg, he will be able to walk better himself”
-Helmut Schoeck

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  1. That is a good one. A lot of times we delight in seeing others fail. The fact of the matter is that there is room for all of us. All we have to do is stay in our lane and stay focused.

  2. I’ve read somewhere: Envy; it’s one of those emotions we’d like to admit we don’t have, but we do. It’s a very powerful one and if not kept in check, can lead you down roads you do NOT want to travel. Roads that lead to jealousy, depression, resentment, hate, anger, loss of personal power, and great unbalance in your work, social, and personal life.

    So why do people become envious of others?
    It all comes down to focusing on two things:
    1. Too much focus on personal lack.
    2. Too much focus on others.

    So how will you know when you’ve truly stopped being envious of others?
    When you genuinely feel happy for the good things that happen to them in their lives.
    Once you begin to learn to appreciate other people’s circumstances, you start to appreciate your own as well.
    And the ironic thing is that mindset is something that a majority of people would envy having.

  3. i love it and it is so true!!! that is wrong with the way the world thinks today. stepping on the next person bc of a downfall or situation leaves room and opportunity for you to get ahead in life!!! that is such a low blow why not offer a hand? or even offer one of your legs to help them along the way .ppl are so selfish in todays society and full of themselves and greed!!! but i live by this saying….do unto others as you would have them do unto you… i love that sayn and if more ppl would infact see the logic behind in or in just helping each other the world would be a better place and we cry and bitch about why its so hard when indeed we tear ourselves down and stop with the blaming the white man stuff bc truth be told cant nobody hold anyone down….. look at JD ON HIS WAY WITH G14 MARK AINT THE ONLY ONE WITH A THOUGHT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS…IF YOU SET YA MIND TO IT …YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH IT…DONT MOVE ASIDE BC A MAN FALLS REACH OUT AND HELP OR CATCH HIM IF YOU CAN….

  4. And you are so rgt……..

  5. So True!. People who are in that mindset just need to be shown the Light. The Law of Attraction should alter their thinking. We have to help out our people! TUPAC Said it best “Learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers”

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