Cornel West Arrested In Ferguson Protest

This happened yesterday !!! Its sad to me that this whole situation is no longer news

Professor Cornel West(C) along with Clergy members and other demonstrators protest for the shooting of Michael Brown as they march to the Ferguson Police Station October, 13 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. Civil rights organizations, protest groups and people from around the country were protesting the August 9 shooting of Brown, which involved Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson and other killings of black youths at the hands of police officers. (Joshua LOTT/AFP/Getty Images)

Professor Cornel West(C) along with Clergy members and other demonstrators protest for the shooting of Michael Brown as they march to the Ferguson Police Station October, 13 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. Civil rights organizations, protest groups and people from around the country were protesting the August 9 shooting of Brown, which involved Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson and other killings of black youths at the hands of police officers. (Joshua LOTT/AFP/Getty Images)


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FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — St. Louis County police say civil rights activist Cornel West was among 13 people arrested during a protest at Ferguson police headquarters.

The former Princeton University professor has been in the St. Louis area for a weekend of protests, speeches and workshops designed to call attention to anger over police treatment of minorities.

West now teaches at New York’s Union Theological Seminary. He was arrested shortly before 1 p.m. Monday on a charge of disturbing the peace.

County police said the protesters said they wanted to be arrested. Police said arrests were made after protesters began bumping officers’ shields and forced their way through the law enforcement skirmish line.

Ferguson is roiled by the Aug. 9 fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed, black 18-year-old, by a white officer.

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