Nike Air Yeezy 2 Purple

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  1. find me out keep looking for me and where did you find me,’ not street but hurstlig my pay day,is funnymen shitty shit bull shit fuck funny i can,t rarely blieve this shit america if america can stop the war in afghanistan and irag and pack and go home aint worth fighting further of must i remind you sensitivity you bringing to africa cos i aint home,forgive but never forget as assistan da villifies pastor sword as pator old testament blieve in new ,i find a way to eat over none of all that ,it can stop the war over my films music and pack go home like he do remain give feedom of speech to all races media free me by mtzv music television what you see is not what you get what you is what you see,brave see me when you see me and say let go him,cos iam nothing to they ain,t no body check mme on my record store cdbaby sooon soon yo bye peace mr moss psalm150 amen.

  2. not feeling those. meanwhile, moses child what are you talking about..randomness

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