Celebrity Spends the Day in Bryan-College Station

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  1. Kudos man, this is an example of good PR. I love it, there’s a story there intertwined with the ability to sell the brand. Proof that the brand is good and the spokesperson believes in the brand because it’s a part of him. He’s continuing to bring his life to many who wouldn’t experience it. That to me is what Hip Hop, the culture has done and continues to do. I love it 🙂

  2. You have to respect JD for everything that he is accomplishing with his G14 brand. He truly is involved and built it from the ground up. This site has true potential to becoming the next big social media giant. The difference is that JD is accessible and upfront, he is out there meeting with the people that frequent his site, and people are connecting as well. I have never chatted with The Facebook dude or the Myspace dude, But I’ve received comments from and seen him reply to many comments and topics on G14.

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