Fragment Gallery


I came across these paintings a few days ago and was in shocked.. The Artist name is Mark Matlock. He makes this pictures all by hand and then transfers the pictures into a Mac Computer so that he can get a more deep and and sharper image. At times Mark doesnt even need a picture of the model he can just sit get a quick look and make a panting. Remember the name Mark Matlock

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  1. WOOW HEll yeahh hes a phenomenal painter woow
    by the way mr @Cory McClanahan you mean worthless Not shocked i wondered and thought you see ghosts 😉 in this pictures.

  2. Niccccce!!!!! He’s really got talent, yet I think that out of what’s been posted Jimmy is his best work of art……..

  3. Nice!

  4. I love the use of color and detail. I love the paint running on the flag like blood and how the female painting seems like its on fire!

  5. yea this shit is dope

  6. It’s like he brought them to life. I can see myself Coming To Life Through Art. Luv It.

  7. Thanks for posting my artwork Cory, it’s much appreciated.

  8. I love these 🙂

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