“Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.”
-Josh Billings
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  1. Alwayz on time!!;0) ((TY))

  2. Awesome! Sometimes when you have a lot of talents it can become overwhelming. So, this quote helps a lot.

  3. exactly, I feel the say way

  4. yep, if you wanna make it, you should stick to your main goal, do not change your Goal but you can change your plan to achieve this goal.

  5. That is SO true, you have got to love what you do, and keep believing that IF you don’t quit, your efforts will eventually payoff. Also remember that “Success” can also be defined as the progressive realization of a worthy ideal….by working towards a predetermined goal, one can already consider himself as being successful if he continues on that path…..Stay committed to seeing your goal or goals come to reality!………….

  6. Thats so on point,i was out of a job for a year and a half i never gave up i kept on going, now look hard work always pay off,just got a job today.if u stick to it just like J.D says it will show…

  7. That real,like that Quote thank’s

  8. that’s what’s up.

  9. Nicely Put!

  10. “Dang JD that’s Priceless make we wanna stay on the grind forreal!!!

  11. it always helps when the quote comes from someone that has climbed their way from the bottom to the top, makes folks like me realize the struggle is for a purpose

  12. Nice Quote

  13. nice quote they way i live even through my music check it out http://www.jusray.com

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