“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.”
-Arthur C. Clarke
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  1. Ink Blot Management distributes #1 Entrepreneurship Education in the World!

  2. That’s why i shoot for the stars and hopefully land on the moon.. Love the new site !

  3. That’s real.

  4. and throw away the rearview mirror so you don’t have to look back.

  5. PERSONAL REFLECTION: We need to become like God in His generosity. The takers of this world always need more.The givers are unexplainably full. The giver is always open-handed, yet never empty-handed . God is generous in giving life away, and the life of God always makes us generous. This is the real meaning of having life and having it in abundance…life that cannot be kept to ourselves, but must be given away-that is true generosity; the key to living an extraordinarily blessed life. Ask yourself this question,Am I stingy..a giver..or a generous giver? It’s up to each of us to choose.

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