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  1. Good look, my man.

  2. I was under the impression global14 can import twitter feeds into our activities. It looks like you can only post global14 activity to twitter and facebook. Is that correct?

  3. Thank u JD!

  4. Thanks JD 😉

  5. I would like to know why i can’t get to page 2 on followers making sure i’m following them also.
    I keep pressing the #2 or arrow pointing to move to 2 but it just won’t go. Please check it or let me know what i’m doing wrong. Thanks

  6. thanks bro!

  7. I checked out the video JD posted on setting….how to connect twitter and face book to G14, but after I connect twitter, I did not see a face book connection. Has it been removed from G14?

  8. I just posted and I just realized the date stamp says I posted on 9/26/11 @ 2:27am Monday…however it’s Sunday, 9/25/11 @ 10:27pm and I’m on Eastern time…..

  9. JD,

    Is it possible to post from Hootsuite or Ping and have those appear on G14?

  10. My twitter is not linking up to my twitter on here (qsavagepromotions11) How do i fix this?

  11. death im loving this

  12. Um it defeats the purpose linking G14 to my twitter in my opinion? Its enough nosy bastards as is, but shot out to my followers though. Its too much linking, link your ass off a cliff, No thanks. Great tutorial though JD and its nice to have the option, kudos

  13. it is not showing facebook. and the twitter is not showing anything underneathe can you please fix that. thanks

  14. i dont see twitter or facebook,they use to be up here but not their not

  15. i dont see twitter or facebook,they use to be up here but now their not

  16. It doesn’t work, lol…. Not that I feel like i’m missing anything, but it would be a nice feature if it worked…..

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