There are a few things most of us women have in common: We appreciate a decadent dessert, we love a clearance sale at our favorite store, and we all wouldn’t mind looking and feeling younger and healthier.

Some of us are so devoted to our personal fountain of youth, we invest small fortunes into overflowing bathrooms filled with lotions and potions, and visits to trainers, doctors, nutritionists and healers — whatever it takes to find the miracles that will give us smoother skin, fuller hair, less aches and pains; reduce terminal illness risk; and overall make us feel awesome. Well, as it turns out, the secret to youth might be right between the sheets: sex!

That’s right. Sure, sex feels good, can make you fall more deeply in love and sometimes makes you want to wear a naughty nurse’s outfit (you get the picture). But sex is also proven to be good for you physically. An active sex regimen, a prescription of two to three times per week, has fascinating and evidenced-based benefits. So if sex has become a nonpriority in your life, you may want to consider putting it at the top of your to-do list, because not only could sexcapading result in stronger teeth, but it could actually save your life.

Here are 16 health and beauty benefits we reap from having sex:

1. Keeps our skin young and healthy. Sex increases blood circulation, which helps pump oxygen to our skin resulting in a brighter appearance, which explains that after-sex glow. Regular sexual engagement has prolonged effects in this regard and can actually make us look younger. Sex boosts our natural collagen production, which staves off age spots and sagging. Simply put, more wrinkles in the bed equals fewer wrinkles on your face!

2. Boosts immunity. You know the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Turns out there was a typo in that medical journal. It should have said, “Having sex once or twice a week increases levels of an antibody called immunoglobin A (that’s the stuff that fights off colds and other infections), which really keeps the doctor away!” Deduction: More sex means a stronger immune system. And with all of those unused sick days, we can cash them out and use them as sex days. Now we’re talking!

3. Gives us great hair. Hormones not only control our sex drives but also the condition of our hair. Research has shown that a satisfying sex life results in healthy, lush hair due to the body’s increased ability to receive and metabolize nutrients efficiently. Proof positive that Angelina Jolie and Catherina Zeta-Jones have healthy sex lives!

4. Produces healthy sperm. We know men are proud of their sperm counts, but now we can be, too. Several studies show that men who have frequent sex have higher volumes of semen, a higher sperm count and a higher percentage of healthy sperm compared to men who have infrequent sex. This is good news for women, as research shows the absorption of semen helps us combat depression, boosts our energy and even helps us have a smoother delivery, if we’re pregnant. 

5. Reduces stress. Life is stressful. And while there are many proven ways to cure stress: daily exercise, evening glass of wine, bitch fest with a BFF, morning meditation, a walk on the beach and so on, a good, old-fashioned sex session does the trick, too! Though blood pressure levels spike during the act itself, maintaining a healthy sex life helps us keep blood pressure and stress levels low.

6. Strengthens nails. The same sex-triggered hormones that make your skin glow also make our nails strong, which means less splitting and breaking and longer-lasting manicures.

7. Improves heart health. Want your guy to live to 100? Sex can help! Research shows that men who have sex two or more times per week have a lower risk of heart disease than those who have sex less than once a month. Of course, I’ve yet to meet a guy who needed cardiovascular research to convince him to have more frequent romps in the sack, but isn’t it nice to know we are helping our guys’ hearts whenever we have sex?

8. Zaps zits. Say bye-bye to acne treatments and miracle pills! Sex balances our hormone levels, which results in clearer skin. Probably good we didn’t know this in high school.

9. Keeps us hydrated. Now here is some real science for you: Sex improves circulation so our blood flows more efficiently, which, in turn, gives our bodies the moisture they need to stay healthy. Translation: no more dry skin. Furthermore, having sweaty sex can be like a facial for your skin, as sweat expels excess dirt from our pores. 

10. Acts as a natural pain killer. Oxytocin, one of the chemicals released during sex, increases endorphins and decreases pain, particularly headaches — which means that standby headache excuse isn’t going to cut it anymore. Sex also speeds up the healing of wounds, even stubborn sores like those suffered by diabetics. Before heading to the medicine cabinet, see if a quickie can’t cure minor ailments!

11. Sheds pounds. Got a few pounds to lose but not willing to abandon your love affair with hot wings and chocolate cake? Sex could be an option! While it may not be as productive at weight loss as more traditional cardio or strength training, we burn an average of 170 calories per hour of active sex, which is about a pound after 21 hour-long sessions. There are certainly worse ways to lose weight.

12. Lowers our risk of cancer. We love our guys, so let’s love their prostates, too, by helping them get off more often. Studies show that men in their 20s who ejaculate five or more times a week reduced their risk of prostate cancer by a third, and older men reporting 21or more ejaculations per month lowered their risk as well. As for us ladies, regular sex has been shown to reduce our risk of breast cancer.

13. Fights cavities. Turns out that semen is chock-full of zinc, calcium and other tooth decay-fighting minerals that benefit us when our bodies absorb it. While having lots of sex can’t replace a biannual trip to the dentist, having extra doses of these minerals certainly can’t hurt our pearly whites.

14. Helps us sleep. Ever wondered why your man conks out after sex? Turns out he’s not trying to avoid a cuddle session. The oxytocin released during orgasm is to blame. The next time you can’t sleep, skip the warm milk or sleeping pill and try getting busyinstead.

15. Strengthens our bond. Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone” because it helps people build trust and bond with one other. The more sex a couple has, the more oxytocin is exchanged and, by default, the more bonded they feel. Oxytocin increases feelings of generosity, too, so if you wind up with more random acts of kindness like surprise flowers, you have this miracle hormone to thank.

16. Makes you feel sexy! There is good sex and then there is great sex, and one of the differentiators is your self-esteem. When you feel amazing about yourself, sex is infinitely better. But here is the catch — having sex actually boosts your self-esteem. So the next time you’re feeling so-so on the sexy scale, see if a good romp doesn’t help.
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  1. The lady lifers need to read this one…

  2. Dang now I see why ppl always think I’m way younger than I look — “I’M LOVING THIS ” LOL who would have thought?


  4. So SERVE ME w the MEDICINE;-)

  5. Next to His Son, your sexuality is one of God’s greatest gifts to U. Cherish it. (1 Corinthians 6:18-20) So, the meaningless has meaning. Great post, very informative. THANKS

  6. Sex does a body good. 🙂

  7. Motown released From Forever, Michael April 29, 1975, with the #4 R&B hit Just A Little Bit Of You, and the wording meant more then we knew.

  8. No BFF, just ME, & 100% on authenticity, & I got U on the prostate too, 4 that’s how it is!!! Cause if it’s without meaning I caint do it, but I did me last night. Forever on them Vivid, Intense Thoughts!!!!!!!

  9. Damn no wonder I look young and I always have a
    glow :p and i’m sexy! All 16 is the damn true I know this man!!!!! Every woman who say they don’t have sex, I’m not trying to knock you, do what you do; no problem with that. However sex is the key to living longer and being healthy.

  10. Lookin barely old enough to get in the clubs & gettin carded at the package store. LOL, cause i’m so blessed & I feel incredible.

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